Follow Through
The Unshakeable Confidence model I have developed stands on three pillars: Presence, Integrity, and Action. Of these, it’s Action that has my attention in 2019, with Integrity not far behind.
Which means I started out the year clear that procrastination and perfectionism (the two behaviours that get us stuck when we are out of action) don’t get to vote this year. Or, maybe they get to vote… I just get the veto. My business. My life.
I’ve prioritized them long enough, you see. Searching for the perfect words. Waiting on the perfect time.
And I’ve come to know that I can’t count on perfection. But I can count on truth.
So procrastination and perfectionism simply can’t rate this year.
And they won’t.
FOLLOW THROUGH is my theme for the year. It’s not sexy. And that’s good. Because when I’ve succumbed to sexy, I’ve committed to overpromising.
Following Through is the belonging to Overpromising’s fitting in.
Following Through is the responsiveness to Overpromising’s reactivity.
Following Through is the enduring legacy to Overpromising’s fleeting fame.
Following Through is, at its essence, Action, balanced with Integrity. If I Overpromise, I may get into Action, but not see it through (lack of Integrity). So it’s clear that following through is the truest way for me to get ever closer to the fullest expression of who I know I am at my most essential being.
It may not be fastest. And it’s definitely not the sparkliest.
But it is truest.
So why would I settle for less?
And so, my commitment to Follow Through is the reason I won’t share the three-page-long list of promises I’ve made to myself for 2019… because until they’re completed by Dec 31, 2019, I haven’t followed through.
Because nothing matters unless and until I have Followed Through.
Which I did in January.
Including the measures I’ve taken to lower my blood sugar because diabetes is one of my family’s enduring gifts… along with the love of all the things that raises blood sugar.
And the 30-day yoga challenge.
And dry January.
And the writing.
And the meditation.
And the water consumption.
And the preservation of family time on the weekends.
And the journaling.
And the reassessment of my charitable donations.
And I liked how that felt.
A lot.
My intentions don’t matter if my integrity is eroded.
And for my integrity to remain in tact:
I need to show up authentically as the person whose insides are congruent with her outsides;
I need to be obedient to my vision… whilst allowing it space and grace to ebb and flow as the world keens and groans and hearts do too; and,
I need to honour my word. To others, of course. But above all? To myself.
If I can’t trust me, how can you trust me?
And, oh, how I want you to be able to trust me.
There are a number of things that have not been checked off. In spite of how it felt, January was still only 31 days.
My eyes have always been bigger than my capacity. And my capacity may be immense… but it’s not infinite.
But as these things continue to be important to me, I will triple down and follow through.
And those on my email list will be the first to know when they are ready — join us by signing up below.
Because they are glorious.
What are you committed to following through on in 2019?
Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be. REGISTER HERE
Originally published at